About Us

Wayland Engineering has been providing services for our clients since 1997. Our laboratory and testing facility is based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Conveniently located near our suppliers and clients in Atlantic Canada, we can provide remote and onsite services to meet your needs, regardless of your location.

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Meet the Team

Ken KarisAllen, P. Eng., MASc

As a founding member of the company, Ken brings over 35 years of experience in failure analysis, corrosion assessments and testing, in-situ metallography, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, and system design. Prior to founding Wayland Engineering, Ken was employed for 9 years by the Department of National Defence as a Defence Scientist. Part of his responsibility involved the design, implementation, and operation of the corrosion testing facility for the east coast. He was routinely called upon to conduct failure analysis and corrosion investigations for various departments. In research, Mr. KarisAllen is recognized internationally as an expert in fatigue and fracture control/testing with over 60 published research papers. He is an active member of the international mechanical testing community and has influenced several fracture testing standards.

As the company Technical Manager, Ken is responsible for determining the selection of the test variables, the validity of the results, and interpretation of the results. His expertise provides assurance that the technical requirements of a project are successfully fulfilled and maintained.

Chris Taweel, P. Eng., MASc

As a founding member of the company, Chris brings 35 years of experience in field (in-situ) metallographic replication, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, failure analysis, marine design, and project management. Prior to founding Wayland Engineering, Chris founded Drewan Engineering which continues to offer a wide range of on-site materials consulting and testing services to various clients including refineries and power generation stations. Mr. Taweel's unique combination of extensive in-situ metallographic field experience and metallurgical knowledge is an asset that simply cannot be found elsewhere.

As the company General Manager, Chris is responsible for the planning and overall management of the company including client relations, design and implementation of the company Quality Control Program, scheduling, and project management. . He ensures that all projects are sufficiently staffed, completed on time, and completed within allocated budgets.

Jonathan Allen, P. Eng., MBA

Jonathan brings over 15 years of experience including time working for a major Canadian petroleum refinery as a site Metallurgist, Asset Integrity Engineer, and Inspection Team Lead. Jonathan has extensive experience with asset integrity programs, risk based inspection (RBI), pressure vessel and piping inspection, repairs and alterations, inspection cost-benefit analysis, statistical analysis of inspection data, and management of inspectors and NDE technicians . As a metallurgist, Jonathan has extensive experience with identifying and predicting Damage Mechanisms, Materials Selection, Welding, and Condition Monitoring Location (CML) Selection.

Jonathan is also certified to API 510, API 570, and API 571. 

Industries Served

Throughout our history we have had the opportunity to support many clients throughout a wide array of industries. Some of those industries include:

Ship Travelling in Water
Heavy Equipment Operating